Sunday, September 29, 2013

Writing From Texas

Yup, it's ME!   Where have I been?  Well, it's a long story seeing that the last post was in March.  Time flies and my life has been one changing scene after another.

After my husbands passed two years ago, I put my house up for sale with the hopes of moving to Texas to be with family when the house sold.  Well, as you can see it has taken 2 years to sell, but F I N A L L Y I got an interested buyer and then the fun began.  How to pack a five room house and make arrangements to move from NC to Texas?  Well, it wasn't easy, especially when you don't have family in the neighborhood.  Thank God for one very good lady friend though.  I doubt I could have done it without her.  We sold all the big stuff and all the junk stuff that you accumulate in 57 years of marriage and still stuffed a 10x22 storage shed in Texas.  And I mean stuff!!  Finally the big day arrived and I flew to Texas two months ago to be met by 2 of my daughters and in two weeks I will be moving to my very own small but lovely apartment.  This apartment is going to be a glorified combination living and crafting area.  It's going to be close, but I Will Overcome and it will be great when I am finished with it.  A wonderful space to relax with my feet up with a glass of wine and knit while I watch TV when I am not quilting.  I'm really looking forward to the challenge!

I will say my quilting has bloomed and if you have been following my Etsy shop you will know that I have been turning out many quilted, knitting and crocheted items during the last two years.  If you haven't been following the shop, please take a look if you would like to. 

My latest endeavor is an experience that I am happy to be a part of.  I met a wonderful lady here in Texas who is the mother-in-law of my daughter's friend (got that?)  It seems that my daughter's friend is the proud owner of sixteen hand embroidered blocks made by her grandmother many long years ago, and she has asked me to make a quilt for her using those blocks.  Needless to say, I was extremely interested and set about designing a background for these blocks.  The layout was approved and the material purchased and I am well on my way to having one half of the quilt sewed.  I'm not going to share it with you just yet, but I will when my friends have seen it first.  Needless to say the blocks are fragile but beautiful.  I have backed each block with a very soft fusible interfacing which came out perfect.  The handwork is delightful with baskets of beautiful flowers, etc.  I have never made a commissioned quilt before and it is scary but exciting.  

I have joined a Quilt Guild and a Knitting Guild and attend a couple of quilting Bees and life is certainly a lot more interesting than when in NC.  I am so glad I made the move.  I'm with family (daughters, son in law, grandkids and their families, and a nephew with his brand new wife) all of whom I love and the freedom to go and do what I want.  Happy Day!!!

Thanks for visiting and I'll Catch You Later......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So glad you like Texas. I just started following you on Etsy and loved your shop.
I am a beginner quilter. Joined the Quilters Club of America bit didn't know about any quilting guilds here in Dallas....maybe I will check that out. Keep up the great work and happy quilting!