Oh the wonder and beauty of celtic cable knitting. I have loved knitting cables forever, but never dreamed I would try something more complicated like celtic cables. Found a pattern I thought I could begin with and started out. Well....being used to C2B and C2F, I was confronted with a new language, like T3F, T3B, T4F and T4B. Well I never...... But I started out and just did what it said. I was totally over my head wondering if any of this made sense. About 2" into the piece, btw I began with a 52 stitch scarf, I began to see the pattern forming and I started actually watching what I was knitting instead of just reading and knitting and wonder of wonders, it started to make sense and I could see ahead of time what I was going to have to do to complete a row.
It will be a long time finishing as it's slow going, but it is progressing nicely. Thought I would give you a sneak preview. It makes me feel so good just looking at a completed row and what I have done already. This picture is not the best but I will replace it with a better one after a few more inches.
Here's an in process picture. It's coming along real well.
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