Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Just a Chuckle

When I find something the tickles my funny bone or makes chuckle, it is definitely worth sharing.

As you know, quilters, knitters and crocheters are pretty good at coming up with short set of letters to explain themselves (acronyms).  Here are some good ones.

HSY - Haven't Started Yet

PHD - Project Half Done

WIVSP - Work in Very Slow Progress

TOAD - Trashed Object Abandoned in Disgust

PIG - Project in Grocery Bag

USO - Unstarted Object

UFO - Unfinished Object

STASH - Special Treasures All Secretly Hidden

SABLE - Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy

And My Favorites...

FART - Fabric Acquisition Road Trip (so can we call previous trips Old Farts???

WOMBAT -  Waste of Money Batting and Time

1 comment:

TheOldBarnDoor said...

Totally tickled my funny bone. I really like how your write about what is close to you. Look forward to hearing more. And, I stand in awe of your work