Thursday, February 21, 2013

Home Made Hand and Body Cream

It's not everyday that I can say that I've found something new to help the dry conditions of a winter skin.  Well, today's the day.  While perusing "Bellaonline" in the quilting forum I found a discussion about making hand made Hand Cream.  This discussion talked to me, believe me.  I have the dryest skin in creation, cracks around my thumb nail (so painful) and dry elbows to mention a few problems.

Off to Dollar General to buy the ingredients:

A 16 oz. bottle of Baby Lotion (Pink Bottle)
An 8 oz Jar of Vaseline
An 8 oz Jar of Vitamin E Cream.

Now, how to put it all together....simply empty all the contaianers into a medium size mixing bowl and beat with your electric mixer until smoth and creamy.  Oh it is so pretty, light and smells so good.   I am told that it will not turn and will last forever.  Time will tell!  Imagine and all for under $5.

I put some back into the vitamin E bottle and the rest into a plastic container with a lid.  Will offer small batches to my friends and neighbors. 

I waited to post this until I had tried it and I have to say it really works.  I have a small pretty jar on my bedstand, one in the kitchen by the sink and one in the living room where I settle in to relax and watch TV, knit or crochet. 

Catch you next time.  Try this you might like it!!!!!!

1 comment:

Pam said...

My father-in-law swears by this and makes up batches every year for that dry winter skin. I feel your pain. My hands crack really badly too.

Fellow FMNDDTEAM member
