Saturday, September 4, 2010

A bit of Crocheting to Show Off...

I don't do much crocheting any more, because when I do it gets to be a big deal. This is an example of what I am talking about. I love it though and the colors are beautiful.

Favorite Squares
The square patterns are from a Leisure Art Pamphlet, designs by Darla Sims called "63 Easy-To-Crochet Pattern Stitches". The patterns are all the same size, using the same size hook.  You can make an Heirloom Afghan using all 63 pattern stitches, but I chose to just pick out the three I liked best and created this design.  Someday, I might do the whole 63, they are beautiful patterns.  The colors of the Heirloom are pink, green, eggshell and beige. 

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